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  • 1Sign Up
  • 2Fill Out Attorney Profile
  • 3Review & Select Cases

Simply put, more cases equal better cases. Through Joint Representation, you will immediately and significantly grow your inbound referral network and gain access to a nationwide reach of top litigations.


Getting great cases is difficult. From independent lawyers to larger firms, building a substantial body of viable cases takes time, effort and money. Making your availability known to other firms is essential to growing your referral intakes, yet it is more often than not an overly consuming process, garnering only a small number of strong leads. Internally handling the marketing of your practice to other firms often provokes an abundance of stressors, from repeated fumbling in overall efficiency to the high expense for superfluous (additional) staff salaries. Straightforwardly, the cost, difficulty and strain of internally handling your referral-based lead generating can hurt your bottom line. Joint Representation was built to alleviate the many troubles and high expenditures imposed on your practice when you are simply attempting to grow your case load. Our tools put your education, legal specialties, awards and past case winnings in front of attorneys who are looking for experienced lawyers to co-counsel their cases. In this, your presence and reach is substantially expanded, making it easier to grow strong and long-lasting relationships with other practices, giving you more availability and repeated access to the cases you want.

Undoubtedly, Joint Representation will get your name in front of a nationwide network of referring attorneys and quickly grow your case intake and overall revenue.  Best of all, it costs you nothing.  Not now, not later.