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Joint Representation will ease your case overflow as well as your outbound referral process by connecting you to well vetted co-counsel and reducing the friction of firm-to-firm correspondence and collections.


It is no secret that by increasing your outbound referrals, a law practice can see a significant increase in revenue. However, the time and work it takes to find the right attorney to handle each varying lead can become a burden on any firm. Maximizing your understanding of a co-counsel’s employment background, professional strengths and accomplishments as well as specific past case loads directly reflects the probability of a smooth transition for the client and an overall healthy alliance. However, discovering such specific details for a large scope of attorneys is an intense process, leading such endeavors to commonly be overlooked when placing a case. Beyond this, once a case is placed with co-counsel, the management of the necessary correspondence and follow up between firms can also as easily become a hassle, sometimes even leading to the neglect of the fees you are entitled and the cases for which you are responsible.

Joint Representation was created to address each of these common issues with an easy to use web application complete with all tools necessary to efficiently turn your case overflow into fees:

  • Nationwide pool of rated counsel to choose from as co-counsel
  • Attorney search results arranged by the feedback given from past co-counsel and other reputation factors makes it easy to select co-counsel that will do a good job for the client and be easy to work with
  • Complete relationship and correspondence management system to help you stay on top of your cases
  • State of the art tracking of cases from referral agreement to fee payment helps you meet your obligations